
Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Exchange Server Stops email every 48 hours

Couple of days back our exchange server 2007 stops sending and receiving emails every 48 hours. If i restart exchange server if works for another 48 hours and then stopped again. This usually happens 5 AM in the morning. I thought this post will help you if you have same issue.

This will apply to Exchange 2000, Exchange 2003 and Exchange 2007. If your exchange 2000, exchange 2003 or exchange 2007 stops emails every 48 hours then you may use below solution to fix issue.

Reason of this issue: Every exchange version has .edb limitation by default. such as exchange 2007 storage (.edb) database size is 50 GB by default. Exchange 2007 SP1 has 250 GB database size by default. If you reach near to this limitation then exchange stops emails. 

You have two solution to fix this issue.

First you can manually reboot server every 48 hours.

Second change registry size which will allow database to grow.

How to change Registry:

1. On Exchange Server click on Start and type REGEDIT

2. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\MSExchangeIS\<ServerName>\Private-<GUID>

3. Create another key under Private-<GUID> and name it exactly without quote "Database Size Limit In GB" and then click on Decimal and add desired value in GB

4. Once it is done. Click OK

5. Now go to Services (Services.msc) and restart exchange Information Store Services. 

6. You do not need to reboot server.

Its done. Easy. You do not need to wake up early morning now to reboot server.


  1. You are cham. It worked like magic. Thanks a lot. Our server had smae issue. Exchange stops sending emails every 48 hours. Now no more wake up early in morning :) Cheers John

  2. Awesome solution. Your blog helped me to solve exchange issue. Our exchange server was stopping sending emails every 48 hours. Thanks again for your help.

  3. Excellent! I was thinking that is a lot more work, but it's just registry edit...

  4. Hi Thank you for your comment. I feel happy when my blog helps people to solve issue. Microsoft has removed this limitation in exchange 2007 SP2 i think but not 100% sure. Cheers

    1. You 're welcome. I didn't know that ms removed limitation, one more good info!
